Angels Landing
Updated: May 3, 2023
Okay, I cheated a little on this one. I did this hike a few months before I turned 55. It was on my bucket list and it was amazing! I'd absolutely do it again if I got the chance but I want to do the Subway next time I get out to Zion. When I did this hike you could go any day and any time of your choosing. Unfortunately, you need to get a permit to hike starting April 1, 2022. Click here for more information on permits. There is an up side to this, less crowds. The crowds on the landing are a drag.

I knew in advance I was going to do this hike when I went out west. I did a lot of research on the hike, what to wear, what to bring, etc. I also trained. I did some moderate mountains when it was nice out but I also climbed stairs while at work. A lot of stairs. I started at 5 flights then worked my way up to 10 flights 5 times a day, after all, I was at work... I still had to take a few breaks on the trail climbing some of the switchbacks, but I really believe climbing those stairs was a big benefit when I finally did the hike.
I started early in the morning because I had a long drive back to San Diego that night. I found a parking spot behind the visitors center. This park can get mad crowded so I highly recommend getting there early. Also consider getting an America The Beautiful pass, current price is $80 per year and you don't pay to get into any National Parks for 1 year from date of purchase.
Find your way to the shuttle busses. The trail to Angels Landing starts across the street from the Grotto stop. Cross the street and go across a small bridge. At the other side of the bridge turn right onto the West Rim Trail. It's easy to follow the trail to the Scout Lookout. Just before you hit the Lookout you will hike up the famous Walter's Wiggles, a series of switch backs. Scout Lookout is a good place to take a break. There was a bathroom facility too, which I recommend you use.

Looking back down the trail.

Looking up at Walter's Wiggles.
You might meet some new friends on the way to the top!
The next part of the hike was so much fun! A few words of caution first. This is the part you've really been waiting for so:
-If you're afraid of heights or don't know if you're afraid of heights, reconsider doing this part. The biggest 'traffic jam' was a woman going down who was freaking out in a narrow part of the trail causing a backup of hikers who had to make their way around her and her posse in a very dangerous area. She was afraid of heights.
-Your quads may let you know they don't appreciate this part of the trail. Take your time and if you are holding people up behind you, find a safe place to rest and let the pack pass you.
-Take your time. It's one of the most amazing hikes in the country. Enjoy every step!
When you finally reach the end of the trail you'll be flooded with so many emotions! Elation, exhaustion, awe! You made it! Words can't describe the views. Pictures don't do it justice. You've accomplished a feat most people wouldn't dream of!

Don't rush back down. Take in every inch of the view. Relish the experience for as long as you can. It will be one of the most amazing experiences of your life, one that most people will never have. A bucket list item many will never get to cross off. Enjoy the view and sense of profound accomplishment. When you feel it's time to head back, take your time and again, enjoy the view!
What I'm drinking this morning:
Canyon Blend coffee from Canyon Coffee Roasters out of Lincoln, NE. Enjoyable!

Check them out here: Canyon Coffee Roasters
Not up to this hike but would like to see the park? Check out this tour to Zion here!