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Ark Encounter, Kentucky


If you are traveling on I75 between Cincinatti, OH and Lexington, KY take a few hours to see the Ark Encounter! It's right off the highway in Williamstown, KY. There's nothing like it!

This attraction is right off the highway. I walked through it in about two hours, but I could have spent much more time there exploring and learning more. If I had been with another person I know I would have been there longer. The ark is massive and very well done.

You enter the attraction through a bookstore with the opportunity to learn some things about the ark before you head out to the ark if you wish. Continue through the building and outside. The parklike setting leading up to the ark is beautiful. The life size animals are a nice touch.

Upon entering you step into another world in the distant past. The ark is very well constructed. The woodwork is beautiful. Meandering up and down the levels I developed a whole new respect for Noah and his family. When you sit in Sunday School and listen to the Bible stories you never delve deep into how it may really have been to live on an ark.

The amount of time it must have taken to clean countless cages and feed countless animals, reptiles and other creatures. No thanks!!!

There's a gift shop on the way out as well as snack shops. Once outside there are more things to do and see if they are open. For more information on all the things to do at this attraction go to the website:

I totally enjoyed my time here. One day I'll bring the grandkids if I'm blessed with any!

What I'm drinking today:

Chamberlain Coffee, Cold Brew Elephant. If you like cold brew coffee give this a try! High quality coffee from a fun and unique coffee company!


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