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Air Show from the Neuse River, NC


Updated: Jan 17, 2022

In the summer of '21 I called my brother and told him I was going to invite myself over for a weekend in October. The Navy Flight Team the Blue Angels were flying in an air show at Cherry Point Marine Air Base which is about an hour drive from his house. I love watching the Blues fly and I try to catch a show every year. Next thing I know he's telling me we can take his boat and watch from the Neuse River. I thought that was a great idea since watching from the ground can be crowded. He called me at the end of September and told me he invited a few friends would I mind? I said of course not. Then he tells me he's renting a bigger boat and we're making a day of it. What a wonderful idea!

We met at the marina near his home. There were a total of 8 going. We had so much food! We signed waivers for the day and headed out to the dock. This little yacht was beautiful and a perfect size for our day. It had been years since I'd been on a small yacht and forgot how much I missed it!

After loading all the food we headed out of the Smith River and into the Neuse. So much fun! It was a perfect day for an air show!

Since none of us had ever done anything like this before we weren't sure where to drop the anchor but there were a bunch of other boats in the area so we went near them. The show started with our American Flag coming down out of the sky. I love it!

We spent half the day watching planes fly overhead and the other half eating and talking. It was a relaxing, very different day. When the Blues started flying we stopped eating and talking and just watched. They are so amazing. I could watch them all day.

The show ended around 4 pm. There was a lot of food left over but no one had any room to eat another morsel. It was so good! We women packed up all the food while the men raised the anchor and guided the yacht, back to the marina. By the time we got back we were all pleasantly tired. It was such a fun day of eating, talking, laughing, oooing and aaahing!

We are hoping to do it again next year. What started out as me inviting myself to stay at my brothers morphed into, hopefully, a yearly get together! Any air show is a fun day but watching from out on the water was exceptional. If you've never been to an air show look for one in your area. They are all over the country. To learn more about the Blues go here. If the Blues are not in your area maybe the Air Force Thunderbirds will be. They are also amazing!

What I started my day drinking:

Did you expect anything less from me? A wonderful coffee named after an amazing flight team. You can get yours from De Luna Coffee in Pensacola, FL. They have many flavors of coffee, not just the Blue Angels. Check them out here. You can also stop by the store to see all they offer. Here are more blends of the Blues:

What I like is their trial packages. If you can't decide which flavor to try get a sample box! This would also make a great gift for the coffee lover in your life. Check it out here. (This is the only affiliate link in the post.)

If you are ever in Pensacola go see one of their practices, it's free. There's also an aviation museum there. If you do want to see a practice pay a fee and see it from the top of the lighthouse - another amazing way to see the Blues fly! Go to their website to find updated practice and show information. You'll get hooked on the shows and the coffee!


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