Field Hockey!!!
Updated: Jan 17, 2022

Okay, I know what some of you are thinking. How is field hockey fun? Well, I've been playing since I was a sophomore in high school. Did fairly well there, went on to play college hockey, then I played in a New Jersey hockey league after I graduated. I also coached freshman field hockey for eleven years where I went to high school. Bottom line is I love the sport. I'm in the back row on the right. The above picture was taken at our 2021 PTHS Field Hockey Alumni game this past October.
How did we get to a yearly alumni game? Here's the story.
About 6 years ago or more (who can keep up with time?) I ended up at a Varsity Field Hockey game because the girls were doing a fund raiser for Breast Cancer. I figured maybe other alumni would like to donate and maybe come to a game, like a field hockey home coming every year. I asked a few of the other alumni I keep in touch with if they wanted to start an alumni group. They all said the same thing - great idea but I don't have time. What's the old saying? If you want something done give it to a busy person. That person was going to be me. I started a Facebook page, started advertising for the fund raiser to help the current high school team and it took off from there. I posted thousands of pictures, some as far back as 40 years or more. Not kidding about the thousand pictures either... Before I knew it the PTHS Field Hockey Alumni association was born. Next thing that happened was one of the teams we used to play against asked if we wanted to have an alumni game against their alumni. Of course! Anything to play! That first game was a blast, and the rest they say - is history.
In 2018 Pequannock Field Hockey celebrated it's 50th anniversary. We had a great post game celebration.
2020 we did not have a game but 2021 we're back! Here's an action picture:

This year I wasn't the oldest on the field. There was a woman two years older than me. I was so glad to see I'm not the only lunatic that still wants to play - haha!
The town has a hockey program through their Parks and Rec department for beginners right up to post high school (I'm in that group in case you were wondering.) I play with a bunch of college kids and kids in their late twenties. I know they look at this old lady and wonder what the heck, but I can hold my own and I have fun! I may not run as fast and my endurance needs a lot of work but I don't care. I get to play! I'll play as long as I am capable and have fun.
What's the point of this? Do what you love as long as you're capable. If you can't participate get involved in other ways. At the time of this writing I'm 58 years old and I plan on playing hockey as long as I can. (There's a woman in Scottland that is still playing at 79!) When I can't play anymore, I will continue to run the alumni association and raise funds for scholarships for our current Seniors who want to go on to play in college.
Do what you love!
What I'm drinking today:

Not coffee today but yum!