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Fly Geyser, Gerlach, NV

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

I was visiting my son in Nevada and decided to do a road trip while he was at work. He carpooled to work and I borrowed his Jeep and set off. I drove into Fernley and then set my GPS to go to Fly Ranch Geyser. I had no problems getting there. Fill your car in Fernley as gas stations are very few and very far between. Also, make sure you have water, it is the desert. It's about a 2 hour drive there if you take your time and sight see.

The first big thing you'll come to is Pyramid Lake. This is the Paiute Tribe's Reservation. This is a beautiful, pristine lake that has amazing fishing. If you're into fishing do a little research about the fishing here.

As you travel along the highway take in the scenery but pay attention to the road. It's easy to get distracted and start to veer towards the shoulder. You also need to keep your eye out for cattle and other animals as it's open range.

Here are some of the roadside sights to look for:

You will eventually come to the town of Gerlach. There is food here. Stop at Bruno's Country Club for something to eat or drink. Yelp gives it 4 stars. I didn't stop.

Other sights in Gerlach:

Thirty more minutes, keep driving! You'll pass a dry lake bed. On the way back you know I had to drive on it!

You're almost there! You can see the geyser from at least two miles away. The geyser is on private property and I don't recommend trespassing. I stopped on the side of the road and took pictures. If you have a really good camera you can zoom in up close. There is actually more than one geyser. The geysers belong to Fly Ranch. They offer walking tours if you don't want to drive that far and not get up close. You can find out more information here.

My picture of Fly Geyser doesn't look pretty. Here's one off the net that I'm sure was taken from close up.

Once you've taken enough pictures you can turn around and head back, pick more things to see in north west Nevada, or maybe do a little back tracking and head west into California and visit Lassen Volcanic National Park (that would not be a day trip.)

I thoroughly enjoyed the sights, dry lake driving, picture taking and wide open skies. It took me a little over 4 hours round trip from Fernley. It was a great way for me to spend the day waiting for my son to get out of work!

Have you ever been to Fly Geyser? Taken the walking tour? If so please share your experience and pictures in the comments!

What I'm drinking this morning:

An unusual coffee from Perk N Beans in Bismarck ND. I love finding flavored coffees that come in decaf!

Located in the Gateway Mall, formerly called Mocha Momma's. Visit their website here.

Look at the variety you can pick up in the store! Have you been there?


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